Guidance Department

Guidance Staff

CEEB Code: 220815

Mission Statement

The mission of the Falmouth Schools' Guidance Department is to help all students identify and build upon their strengths and talents. Counselors will work with all students, at each grade level, to develop appropriate personal, social, academic and career goals. In partnership with parents/guardians, school staff, and community agency personnel, counselors will offer a proactive guidance program that will assist all students in becoming life long learners and successful members of society.


The guidance department is staffed from 7:15 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. If you need to reach your child's counselor you can do so by either email or calling (508) 540-2200 and the following extensions:

Alan Kazarian Guidance Department Head akazarian 4047
Patricia Malone Guidance Secretary pmalone 4044
Joanne Carrara Guidance Secretary jcarrara 4045
Susannah Brooks Guidance Counselor s_brooks 3072
Catherine Fauth School Adjustment Counselor cfauth 4063
Nicole Kennedy School Psychologist nkennedy 3246
Sharon LaCroix School Adjustment Counselor slacroix 4056
Kurt Lawson Guidance Counselor klawson 4040
Katie Lebherz School Adjustment Counselor klebherz 4042
Siobhan McHugh-Mullane School Adjustment Counselor smchughmullane 3306
Heather Nevulis School Adjustment Counselor hnevulis 4041
Rachael Paine Guidance Counselor rpaine 4043
Lindsay Ruthven Guidance Counselor lruthven 3071
Marjorie Solbo Graduate Assistance Program Counselor msolbo 4061

If you do not know your child's counselor or are having trouble reaching them, please call Patricia Malone at ext. 4044 or Joanne Carrara at ext. 4045.