Alan Harris |
Principal |
Administration / Office |
aharris |
3035 |
Paula Carlson Cahill |
Secretary to the Principal |
Administration / Office |
pcahill |
3035 |
Thomas McManamon |
Assistant Principal of Academic Programs |
Administration / Office |
tmcmanamon |
4048/4049 |
Alexis Murray |
Assistant Principal |
Administration / Office |
amurray |
4048/4049 |
Maria Lavista |
Secretary to the Assistant Principals |
Administration / Office |
mlavista |
4048 |
Gretchen Lennox |
Secretary to the Assistant Principals |
Administration / Office |
glennox |
4049 |
Lindsey Mahoney |
Front Desk Secretary |
Administration / Office |
lmahoney |
4000 |
Timothy Brandt |
School Resource Officer |
Administration / Office |
tbrandt |
3034 |
Carol Lourie |
Student Activities/Athletics Secretary |
Administration / Office |
clourie |
3037 |
Steven Edwards |
Fine Arts Department Head |
Arts |
sedwards |
3235 |
Jane Baker |
Art Teacher |
Arts |
jbaker |
5298 |
Corine Adams |
Art Teacher |
Arts |
cadams |
5103 |
Alyssa Guida |
Theater Teacher |
Arts |
aguida |
5238 |
Andrew Hellwig |
Music Teacher |
Arts |
ahellwig |
1239 |
Chris Ricci |
Music Teacher |
Arts |
cricci |
3140 |
Todd Oliveira |
Director of Athletics |
Athletics |
toliveira |
3022 |
Timothy Wakefield |
Athletic Trainer |
Athletics |
twakefield |
5317 |
Carol Lourie |
Athletics Secretary |
Athletics |
clourie |
3037 |
Lori Marks |
Food Service Working Leader |
Cafeteria |
lmarks |
3016 |
Linda Devito |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Maura Ebbs |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Pamela Lemmon |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Deborah Martin |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Tammy Mathews |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Carol Narbis |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Tareisa Reine |
Food Service |
Cafeteria |
Marcel Sanchez |
Building Manager |
Custodial |
msanchez |
4007 |
Raynaldo Narvaez |
Leader Custodian |
Custodial |
Domingos Goncalves |
Assistant Leader Custodian |
Custodial |
Miguel Braga |
Custodian |
Custodial |
Susan Dowling |
Custodian |
Custodial |
John Estrela |
Custodian |
Custodial |
James Fournier |
Custodian |
Custodial |
Samuel Magee |
Custodian |
Custodial |
Ryan McSweeney |
Custodian |
Custodial |
Alain Moniz |
Custodian |
Custodial |
amoniz |
3011 |
Alberto Santiago |
Custodian |
Custodial |
Benjamin Townley |
Custodian |
Custodial |
Janet Rocha |
CTE Department Head |
jrocha |
2034 |
James Brooks |
Woodshop, Technology Teacher |
jbrooks |
5325 |
Lynn Campbell |
Life Skills/ Early Education and Care Teacher |
lcampbell |
3046 |
Michael Campbell |
Technology Teacher |
mcampbell |
5509 |
Cathy Femino |
Teaching Assistant |
cfemino |
3046 |
Kaitlin Hackett |
Life Skills/Culinary Teacher |
khackett |
5733 |
Benjamin Harden |
Food Justice |
bharden |
1008 |
Jennifer Howe |
Business Teacher & Internship Coordinator |
jhowe |
5476 |
Ryan Webber |
Video Teacher |
rwebber |
1733 |
Christine Nicholson |
ELD Department Head |
cnicholson |
Stephanie Feronti |
ELD Teacher |
sferonti |
5138 |
Diana Lee |
ELD Teacher |
dlee |
5311 |
Sarah Cox |
English Department Head |
English |
scox |
3074 |
Shelley Abreu |
English Teacher |
English |
sabreu |
5342 |
Katherine deMelo |
English Teacher |
English |
kdemelo |
5215 |
Erin Griffin |
English Teacher |
English |
egriffin |
5123 |
Leslie Richmond |
English Teacher |
English |
lrichmond |
5269 |
Lauren Kenny |
English Teacher |
English |
lkenny |
5216 |
Tyler Murphy |
English Teacher |
English |
tmurphy |
5252 |
Danielle Phipps |
English Teacher |
English |
dphipps |
5245 |
Daniel Sullivan |
English Teacher |
English |
d_sullivan |
5309 |
Molly Drane |
Foreign Language Department Head |
World Language |
mdrane |
3047 |
Travis Andrade |
Latin Teacher |
World Language |
tandrade |
5140 |
Kelly Grace |
Spanish Teacher |
World Language |
kgrace |
5259 |
Susan Schmidt |
French Teacher |
World Language |
sschmidt |
5106 |
Katie Stanton |
Spanish Teacher |
World Language |
kstanton |
5730 |
Karla Steele |
Spanish Teacher |
World Language |
ksteele |
5184 |
Alan Kazarian |
Guidance Department Head |
Guidance |
akazarian |
4047 |
Patricia Malone |
Guidance Secretary |
Guidance |
pmalone |
4044 |
Joanne Carrara |
Guidance Secretary |
Guidance |
jcarrara |
4045 |
Susannah Brooks |
Guidance Counselor |
Guidance |
s_brooks |
3072 |
Catherine Fauth |
School Adjustment Counselor |
Guidance |
cfauth |
5735 |
Caroline Inman |
Guidance |
cinman |
Nicole Kennedy |
School Psychologist |
Guidance |
nkennedy |
3246 |
Kurt Lawson |
Guidance Counselor |
Guidance |
klawson |
4040 |
Katie Lebherz |
School Adjustment Counselor |
Guidance |
klebherz |
4042 |
Wallace MacKinnon |
School Adjustment Counselor |
Guidance |
wmackinnon |
4056 |
Heather Nevulis |
School Adjustment Counselor |
Guidance |
hnevulis |
4041 |
Rachael Paine |
Guidance Counselor |
Guidance |
rpaine |
4043 |
Lindsay Ruthven |
Guidance Counselor |
Guidance |
lruthven |
3071 |
Marjorie Solbo |
Guidance Counselor |
Guidance |
msolbo |
4061 |
Lynn Duquette |
School Nurse |
Health Office |
lduquette |
3091 |
Sharon O'Connor |
School Nurse |
Health Office |
soconnor |
3090 |
Jill Parker |
Library Teacher |
Library / Media |
jparker |
3128 |
Laurie Gatchell |
Math Department Head |
Mathematics |
lgatchell |
3089 |
Patricia Bourgeault |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
tbourgeault |
5171 |
Dustin Fauth |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
dfauth |
5292 |
Andrea Gennaro |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
agennaro |
5343 |
Michelle Gregory |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
mgregory |
5308 |
Rebecca Landers-Cauley |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
rlanderscauley |
5240 |
Courtney Lima |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
clima |
5349 |
Katharine McAuley |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
kmcauley |
5109 |
Abigail Peterson |
Math Teacher |
Mathematics |
apeterson |
5338 |
Brett Gormley |
K-12 PE/Health Department Head |
Physical Education / Health |
bgormley |
3122 |
Julie Bosselman |
Health & Physical Education Teacher |
Physical Education / Health |
jbosselman |
3132 |
Brenda Clements |
Health & Physical Education Teacher |
Physical Education / Health |
bclements |
3233 |
Caitlin Dugre |
Health & Physical Education Teacher |
Physical Education / Health |
cdugre |
3032 |
Stephen Femino |
Health & Physical Education Teacher |
Physical Education / Health |
sfemino |
3635 |
Christine Brothers |
Science Department Head |
Science |
cbrothers |
3065 |
Andrew Cozzens |
Science Teacher |
Science |
acozzens |
5168 |
Scott Crocker |
Science Teacher |
Science |
scrocker |
5258 |
Cory Dubuque |
Science Teacher |
Science |
cdubuque |
5336 |
Kelly Garrett |
Science Teacher |
Science |
kgarrett |
5358 |
Heather Goodwin |
Science Teacher |
Science |
hgoodwin |
5330 |
Rupert Gordon |
Science Teacher |
Science |
rgordon |
5321 |
Cheryl Milliken |
Science Teacher |
Science |
cmilliken |
5199 |
Claudio Palhais |
Science Teacher |
Science |
cpalhais |
5145 |
Nicole Shea |
Science Teacher |
Science |
nshea |
5243 |
Michael Feeney |
Social Studies Department Head |
Social Studies |
mfeeney |
3056 |
Michael Gennaro |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
mgennaro |
5314 |
Thomas Kelliher |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
tkelliher |
5736 |
John Long |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
jlong |
5152 |
Timothy Medeiros |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
t_medeiros |
5267 |
Darrell Morey |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
dmorey |
5348 |
Francesca Murray |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
fmurray |
5169 |
Danielle Velesig |
Social Studies Teacher |
Social Studies |
dvelesig |
5108 |
Katie Hergt |
Special Ed Building Administrator |
Special Education |
khergt |
3017 |
Kathleen Pokraka |
Special Ed Secretary |
Special Education |
kpokraka |
3017 |
Debra Anderson |
Teacher |
Special Education |
danderson |
2053 |
Anne Andrade |
Speech Pathologist |
Special Education |
aandrade |
3076 |
Elizabeth Argentieri |
Reading Teacher |
Special Education |
eargentieri |
2046 |
Dennis Ashe |
Teacher |
Special Education |
dashe |
5170 |
Samuel Benoit |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
sbenoit |
Payton Bradshaw |
Academic Coordinator |
Special Education |
pbradshaw |
5735 |
Erin Caswell |
Teacher |
Special Education |
ecaswell |
5485 |
Jamie Crossen |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
jcrossen |
Rachael Curtis |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
rcurtis |
Anastasia D'Agostino |
1:1 |
Special Education |
adagostino |
Karin Donohoe |
Teacher |
Special Education |
kdonohoe |
5114 |
Michelle Drew |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
mdrew |
5187 |
Matthew Eaton |
Teacher |
Special Education |
meaton |
5117 |
Sean Fitzpatrick |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
sfitzpatrick |
Keira Foley |
1:1 |
Special Education |
kfoley |
Rebecca Gray |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
rgray |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
Laura Kirsten |
Teacher |
Special Education |
lkirsten |
5237 |
Brenda Kubick |
1:1 |
Special Education |
bkubick |
Conor Markham |
Teacher |
Special Education |
cmarkham |
5303 |
Elizabeth McLain |
Teacher |
Special Education |
emclain |
5156 |
Elena Morris |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
emorris |
Stefanie Morrison |
Teacher |
Special Education |
smorrison |
3116 |
Alexis Nawrocki |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
anawrocki |
Susan O'Brien |
Teacher |
Special Education |
sobrien |
5189 |
Joanne Palmer |
Teacher |
Special Education |
jpalmer |
5206 |
Alexa Scribner |
Teacher Assistant |
Special Education |
ascribner |
Michael Slavinsky |
Teacher |
Special Education |
mslavinsky |
5742 |
Shiobhan Sylvia |
Teacher |
Special Education |
ssylvia |
4063 |
Mary Tenca |
1:1 |
Special Education |
mtenca |
Todd Tinkham |
Teaching Assistant |
Special Education |
ttinkham |
Paul Carroll |
Security Monitor |
Security Monitor |
pcarroll |
Holly Belain |
Staff Assistant |
Staff Assistants |
hbelain |
Lionel Hall |
Staff Assistant |
Staff Assistants |
lhall |
Larry Werner |
Staff Assistant |
Staff Assistants |
l_werner |
Tommy Stoll |
Building Substitute |
Building Substitute |
Michael Schwartz |
Long Term Substitute |
Long Term Substitute |
Michael Falcone |
Director of Information Technology |
Technology |
mfalcone |
4090 |
Julie McGrath |
Assistant to Director of Technology |
Technology |
jmcgrath |
4052 |
Christopher Hieber |
Computer Technician |
Technology |
chieber |
3043 |
Ryan Webber |
Communications Coordinator |
Technology |
rwebber |
1733 |
Tracey Crago |
Director |
Volunteers in Public Schools |
tcrago |
4054 |
Drawde Geishecker |
Secretary |
Volunteers in Public Schools |
dgeishecker |
4055 |