Staff Directory

Please add to any listed email addresses to contact the appropriate staff member.

Falmouth High School phone: (508) 540-2200

Alan Harris Principal Administration / Office aharris  3035
Paula Carlson Cahill Secretary to the Principal Administration / Office pcahill 3035
Thomas McManamon Assistant Principal of Academic Programs Administration / Office tmcmanamon 4048/4049
Alexis Murray  Assistant Principal Administration / Office amurray 4048/4049
Maria Lavista Secretary to the Assistant Principals Administration / Office mlavista 4048
Gretchen Lennox Secretary to the Assistant Principals Administration / Office glennox 4049
Lindsey Mahoney Front Desk Secretary  Administration / Office lmahoney 4000
Timothy Brandt School Resource Officer Administration / Office tbrandt 3034
Carol Lourie  Student Activities/Athletics Secretary Administration / Office clourie  3037
Steven Edwards Fine Arts Department Head Arts sedwards 3235
Jane Baker Art Teacher Arts jbaker 5298
Corine Adams Art Teacher Arts cadams 5103
Alyssa Guida Theater Teacher  Arts aguida 5238
Andrew Hellwig  Music Teacher  Arts  ahellwig 1239
Chris Ricci  Music Teacher  Arts cricci 3140
Todd Oliveira Director of Athletics Athletics toliveira 3022
Timothy Wakefield Athletic Trainer Athletics twakefield 5317
Carol Lourie  Athletics Secretary Athletics clourie  3037
Lori Marks Food Service Working Leader Cafeteria lmarks 3016
Linda Devito Food Service Cafeteria
Maura Ebbs Food Service  Cafeteria 
Pamela Lemmon  Food Service Cafeteria 
Deborah Martin Food Service Cafeteria 
Tammy Mathews Food Service  Cafeteria
Carol Narbis Food Service  Cafeteria 
Tareisa Reine Food Service  Cafeteria
Marcel Sanchez Building Manager Custodial msanchez 4007
Raynaldo Narvaez Leader Custodian Custodial
Domingos Goncalves Assistant Leader Custodian Custodial
Miguel Braga Custodian Custodial
Susan Dowling  Custodian Custodial
John Estrela  Custodian  Custodial 
James Fournier Custodian Custodial
Samuel Magee Custodian Custodial
Ryan McSweeney Custodian Custodial
Alain Moniz Custodian Custodial amoniz 3011
Alberto Santiago Custodian Custodial
Benjamin Townley  Custodian  Custodial 
Janet Rocha  CTE Department Head  CTE  jrocha  2034
James Brooks  Woodshop, Technology Teacher CTE jbrooks 5325
Lynn Campbell Life Skills/ Early Education and Care Teacher  CTE lcampbell 3046
Michael Campbell  Technology Teacher  CTE mcampbell 5509
Cathy Femino Teaching Assistant CTE cfemino 3046
Kaitlin Hackett  Life Skills/Culinary Teacher CTE khackett 5733
Benjamin Harden Food Justice  CTE bharden 1008
Jennifer Howe  Business Teacher & Internship Coordinator CTE jhowe 5476
Ryan Webber  Video Teacher  CTE rwebber 1733
Christine Nicholson ELD Department Head ELD cnicholson
Stephanie Feronti  ELD Teacher  ELD sferonti 5138
Diana Lee  ELD Teacher  ELD dlee 5311
Sarah Cox English Department Head English scox 3074
Shelley Abreu English Teacher English sabreu 5342
Katherine deMelo English Teacher  English kdemelo 5215
Erin Griffin English Teacher English egriffin 5123
Leslie Richmond English Teacher English lrichmond 5269
Lauren Kenny English Teacher English lkenny 5216
Tyler Murphy English Teacher  English tmurphy 5252
Danielle Phipps English Teacher English dphipps 5245
Daniel Sullivan English Teacher  English d_sullivan 5309
Molly Drane  Foreign Language Department Head World Language  mdrane 3047
Travis Andrade Latin Teacher World Language  tandrade 5140
Kelly Grace Spanish Teacher World Language  kgrace 5259
Susan Schmidt French Teacher World Language  sschmidt 5106
Katie Stanton Spanish Teacher World Language  kstanton 5730
Karla Steele  Spanish Teacher World Language  ksteele 5184
Alan Kazarian Guidance Department Head Guidance akazarian 4047
Patricia Malone Guidance Secretary Guidance pmalone 4044
Joanne Carrara Guidance Secretary Guidance jcarrara 4045
Susannah Brooks Guidance Counselor Guidance s_brooks 3072
Catherine Fauth School Adjustment Counselor Guidance cfauth 5735
Caroline Inman Guidance cinman
Nicole Kennedy School Psychologist Guidance nkennedy 3246
Kurt Lawson Guidance Counselor Guidance klawson 4040
Katie Lebherz School Adjustment Counselor  Guidance klebherz 4042
Wallace MacKinnon School Adjustment Counselor  Guidance wmackinnon 4056
Heather Nevulis  School Adjustment Counselor Guidance hnevulis 4041
Rachael Paine Guidance Counselor Guidance rpaine 4043
Lindsay Ruthven Guidance Counselor Guidance lruthven 3071
Marjorie Solbo Guidance Counselor Guidance  msolbo 4061
Lynn Duquette School Nurse Health Office lduquette 3091
Sharon O'Connor School Nurse Health Office soconnor 3090
Jill Parker Library Teacher Library / Media jparker 3128
Laurie Gatchell Math Department Head Mathematics lgatchell 3089
Patricia Bourgeault Math Teacher Mathematics tbourgeault 5171
Dustin Fauth Math Teacher Mathematics dfauth 5292
Andrea Gennaro Math Teacher Mathematics agennaro 5343
Michelle Gregory Math Teacher Mathematics mgregory 5308
Rebecca Landers-Cauley Math Teacher Mathematics rlanderscauley 5240
Courtney Lima Math Teacher Mathematics clima 5349
Katharine McAuley Math Teacher Mathematics kmcauley 5109
Abigail Peterson Math Teacher  Mathematics  apeterson 5338
Brett Gormley K-12 PE/Health Department Head  Physical Education / Health bgormley 3122
Julie Bosselman Health & Physical Education Teacher Physical Education / Health jbosselman 3132
Brenda Clements Health & Physical Education Teacher Physical Education / Health bclements 3233
Caitlin Dugre Health & Physical Education Teacher Physical Education / Health cdugre 3032
Stephen Femino Health & Physical Education Teacher Physical Education / Health sfemino 3635
Christine Brothers Science Department Head Science cbrothers 3065
Andrew Cozzens Science Teacher  Science  acozzens 5168
Scott Crocker Science Teacher Science scrocker 5258
Cory Dubuque Science Teacher Science cdubuque 5336
Kelly Garrett Science Teacher Science kgarrett 5358
Heather Goodwin Science Teacher Science hgoodwin 5330
Rupert Gordon Science Teacher Science rgordon 5321
Cheryl Milliken Science Teacher Science cmilliken 5199
Claudio Palhais Science Teacher Science cpalhais 5145
Nicole Shea Science Teacher Science nshea 5243
Michael Feeney Social Studies Department Head Social Studies mfeeney 3056
Michael Gennaro Social Studies Teacher Social Studies mgennaro 5314
Thomas Kelliher Social Studies Teacher Social Studies tkelliher 5736
John Long Social Studies Teacher Social Studies jlong 5152
Timothy Medeiros Social Studies Teacher Social Studies t_medeiros 5267
Darrell Morey Social Studies Teacher Social Studies dmorey 5348
Francesca Murray  Social Studies Teacher  Social Studies  fmurray 5169
Danielle Velesig Social Studies Teacher Social Studies dvelesig 5108
Katie Hergt Special Ed Building Administrator Special Education khergt 3017
Kathleen Pokraka Special Ed Secretary Special Education kpokraka 3017
Debra Anderson Teacher  Special Education  danderson 2053
Anne Andrade Speech Pathologist Special Education aandrade 3076
Elizabeth Argentieri Reading Teacher  Special Education  eargentieri 2046
Dennis Ashe Teacher Special Education dashe 5170
Samuel Benoit Teaching Assistant Special Education sbenoit
Payton Bradshaw Academic Coordinator Special Education  pbradshaw 5735
Erin Caswell Teacher Special Education ecaswell 5485
Jamie Crossen Teaching Assistant Special Education jcrossen
Rachael Curtis  Teaching Assistant  Special Education rcurtis
Anastasia D'Agostino 1:1 Special Education adagostino
Karin Donohoe Teacher  Special Education kdonohoe 5114
Michelle Drew Teaching Assistant Special Education mdrew 5187
Matthew Eaton Teacher Special Education meaton 5117
Sean Fitzpatrick  Teaching Assistant  Special Education sfitzpatrick 
Keira Foley  1:1 Special Education  kfoley
Rebecca Gray  Teaching Assistant  Special Education  rgray 
TBD Teaching Assistant  Special Education 
Laura Kirsten Teacher Special Education lkirsten 5237
Brenda Kubick  1:1 Special Education bkubick 
Conor Markham Teacher  Special Education cmarkham 5303
Elizabeth McLain Teacher  Special Education emclain 5156
Elena Morris  Teaching Assistant  Special Education emorris
Stefanie Morrison Teacher  Special Education smorrison 3116
Alexis Nawrocki Teaching Assistant  Special Education anawrocki
Susan O'Brien Teacher Special Education sobrien 5189
Joanne Palmer Teacher Special Education jpalmer 5206
Alexa Scribner  Teacher Assistant  Special Education ascribner 
Michael Slavinsky Teacher Special Education mslavinsky 5742
Shiobhan Sylvia  Teacher  Special Education ssylvia 4063
Mary Tenca  1:1 Special Education mtenca
Todd Tinkham Teaching Assistant Special Education ttinkham
Paul Carroll Security Monitor  Security Monitor  pcarroll
Holly Belain Staff Assistant Staff Assistants hbelain
Lionel Hall  Staff Assistant Staff Assistants lhall
Larry Werner Staff Assistant Staff Assistants l_werner
Tommy Stoll Building Substitute  Building Substitute
Michael Schwartz Long Term Substitute  Long Term Substitute 
Michael Falcone Director of Information Technology  Technology mfalcone 4090
Julie McGrath  Assistant to Director of Technology Technology jmcgrath 4052
Christopher Hieber  Computer Technician  Technology chieber 3043
Ryan Webber Communications Coordinator  Technology rwebber 1733
Tracey Crago Director Volunteers in Public Schools tcrago 4054
Drawde Geishecker Secretary Volunteers in Public Schools dgeishecker 4055