
Four years of English (16 credits) are required for graduation. As you make your course selections, be sure to include an English course, and be certain that this course is appropriate for you, given your interests and post-high school plans. You will find the courses grouped under the following designations: College Preparatory (CP), Honors (H), and Advanced Placement (AP). In addition, you will find English elective courses listed in the Program of Studies.

It is important to note that all English courses are designed to teach communication skills, particularly skills involving reading, writing, speaking, listening, and collaboration. In addition, these courses feature close reading and critical thinking activities as well as a balanced approach to writing that includes on-demand and process writing for a variety of audiences and purposes.

FHS English Teachers

Sarah Cox English Department Head scox 3074
Shelley Abreu English Teacher sabreu 5342
Katherine deMelo English Teacher kdemelo 5215
Erin Griffin English Teacher egriffin 5123
Leslie Richmond English Teacher lrichmond 5269
Lauren Kenny English Teacher lkenny 5216
Tyler Murphy English Teacher tmurphy 5252
Danielle Phipps English Teacher dphipps 5245
Daniel Sullivan English Teacher d_sullivan 5309